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Essential Oils & Emotional Connections

Although essential oils are amazing for the skin, the immune system, the respiratory system and more, they are equally amazing healers for the emotions. Each essential oil is unique and can stimulate a specific emotional response. Learning more about these oils, the emotional connections they create and the support they can provide our bodies, minds and lives, will improve your appreciation of all the essential oils.

Essential Oils Help Create Balance

Life can be complicated and busy, creating an environment where our bodies don’t work at their optimum levels. Sleep can be distorted, hormone production can be impacted, cognitive functions can be slower, and moods can be negatively affected. This can lead to feeling sluggish, unmotivated, unhappy, and even over-medicated to help combat this. Enter the essential oil – nature’s pharmacy.

The use of essential oils can help regulate sleep, hormones, cognitive function and moods. Improve all these factors easily and naturally by implementing essential oil regimes.

For instance, Lavender essential oil can help with relaxation and deepen sleep so the body can function more effectively. Using relaxing oils, motivating oils or uplifting oils, can help balance out the negatives in the body.

Many oils can help promote mental health, along with other natural changes like meditation and yoga. Combining multiple natural solutions can have a greater impact for some than medication alone.

Emotional Healing with Essential Oils

Essential oils are attributed to raising the energy or vibrations of the physical body. As the vibrations of the body elevate, things like suppressed emotions, which are lower energies, can surface. The body ultimately wants to release these lower energies such as sadness, grief and anger. They create unbalance in the body and can lead to stagnation. As suppressed feelings surface, they can be released, helping bring peace and balance. This is a process and requires time and dedication, often understanding as well. Working through surfacing emotions may feel like regression at times – things get worse before they get better for some. Releasing the negative emotions in the body leaves more room for positive emotions, so be sure to keep going, even when it feels like it might not be working.

Combining essential oils for emotional healing with other natural options like journaling and meditation, can help bring more clarity and peace.

The Mind-Body Connection

It can be a challenge to fully understand the emotions being experienced, making it harder to understand what oils or protocols should be used. This, however, is where the mind-body connection comes into play. Emotions are often experienced in the body as well, so looking at clues can help narrow down what might be happening.

The limbic system in the body helps regulate emotional responses and sends chemicals to our brains for each emotion. These chemicals create different reactions in our physical body, which helps provide some insight into the emotion triggering them. For instance, adrenaline and cortisol can be released when the body feels stress. These chemicals then increase heart rate, breathing, perspiration and can cause digestive issues and shaking in the limbs or full body. Sometimes emotions have very similar responses even though they are completely different, such as fear and exhilaration. Or, sometimes, more than one emotion can be present and the body reacts with multiple symptoms. There are helpful charts available that can help with the connection between the emotion, physical indicators and mental or emotional indicators. Our Essential Emotions book has one of these helpful charts available and can provide details on the emotions and the oils that can assist with them.

How To Use Essential Oils To Change Your Mood

Essential oils can be used in a multitude of ways depending on the person, the situation and the expected outcome. The most common use is aromatic or aromatherapy. This is when an essential oil is diffused or inhaled. It is based on just the smell of the oil and the chemical properties it gives off when inhaled.

Another option is to use essential oils topically, by putting them on the skin. Keep in mind, most oils will need to be diluted before applying, with some notable exceptions for acute issues. To dilute, use a carrier oil, lotion, or other unscented base. This dilution does not reduce the efficacy of the oils but can improve their absorption into the skin and help delay their rapid evaporation to provide longer scent for an aromatherapy benefit as well as absorption.

There is the additional option of using oils internally, or ingesting them. This option requires extremely high quality essential oils and knowledge of the oils in question. It also requires some caution as not all oils are created equally and not all oils are intended for ingestion. Always fully research the oils before using them for ingestion purposes.

For further information on the essential oils for emotions, their uses and their properties, reference the Essential Emotions book here.


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